CEO's message

Relying on God's Graces, the main mission of Petro Tajhiz Rahjoie Vorna Company is to supply specialized goods for oil, gas and petrochemical projects. Our ideal goals are to be among the main suppliers of industrial projects, to be present effectively in the field of international competition and to meet the needs of overseas projects. The guarantee of our sustainable movement is established by managing aspects of compliance with customer rights. Our main approach is timely, high-quality and economic implementation of projects through detailed planning, full compliance with national and international standards and appropriate budgeting. With the participation of all employees and the use of the latest available technologies as well as hardware and software knowledge of the world today, Petro Company has endeavored to improve and continue its management systems effectively, and based on the announced missions, goals and approaches, it puts the following policy at the top of its activities:

CEO's message

1) Moving towards organizational excellence.

2) Improving processes continuously and increasing their effectiveness.

3) Developing business space by focusing on areas with relative advantage.

4) Increasing productivity through the development of human resources, raising capacity utilization rate and developing infrastructures.

Now, by the will of Almighty God, we have cooperated with each other and you are helping and assisting in the serious matter that has been undertaken to achieve the goal, you must always bear in mind that the goal of all of us is the same, and that is success in achieving goals and serving the people of the country; hence, our effort and yours in this company are for this purpose, and the final result will be the country progress as well as the welfare and comfort of our compatriots. It is necessary that you, dear colleagues, be diligent in carrying out your assigned duties in compliance with the rules and regulations as well as the announced principles and policies in creating a dynamic and disciplined environment in serving the respected customers and interested parties. The cooperation of all dear colleagues will ensure the ability and strength of the Petro Company family.

God bless you