Vision and mission

In addition to meeting a wide range of needs of major industries in the field of domestic trade, the company's aim is to strengthen the efficient supply network in the foreign trade sector, and since it considers the customer as its strategic partner, its ultimate goal has been concentrated on creating confidence and attracting employers' satisfaction more than ever; therefore, its strategy is based on establishing a long-term bilateral relationship with the customer based on common interests. In order to achieve goals, the company considers the following activities as important principles of its plans:

  • Improving constantly the quality of consulting services
  • Improving the level of technical support before and after the purchase
  • Improving after-sales services and timely supply of spare parts
چشم انداز و ماموریت

The company's main slogan and ultimate goal is to have a specialized supply and technical support of goods in the shortest delivery time and at the most appropriate product price. As a leading engineering-business company, this company hopes to take a small step in improving the needs of Islamic Iranian industries.